Sunday 12 March 2023

Look who's sprouting!

 OK, so I originally planned to do a lot more this week than I have actually done but unfortunately I've been a bit unwell! Even so, I managed to get out into both the front and back garden to carry on with various jobs. I still feel a bit deflated though - I was hoping to get lots more done. 

The seedlings

So far, so good with most of my sown seeds. There's so many tomatoes growing in the house and the shelves are heaving in the polytunnel with the weight of so many seed trays. The broad beans are coming up, along with the peas (although the peas are much, much slower). Despite being on a downer about my (lack of) achievements outdoors this week, the sprouting seeds have made me smile. That's the beauty of gardening - seeing new life burst out of the soil. 

Peek-a-boo! Here's one of my broad bean seedlings. Although in the polytunnel, I do still add extra protection from frost. 

Take a close look: there's definitely a pea sprouting here!

Moving on from the germinated seeds, I did also sow more flower varieties and some fruit and veg varieties. There's alpine strawberry seeds sown for my new forage garden (next to the new wildlife pond). I did try to grow some from seed a couple of years ago, but alas, it was not a successful event! Hopefully, I'll have better luck this year. If I don't get alpine strawberries from seed again, then I'll take some from my mum's garden as she has plenty (I'm sure she won't miss a few). 

The New Forage Garden and Wildlife Pond

Not much has happened here this week. I've been gathering small logs cut from trees in my garden to pile up around the pond, to try and give it a natural edging. The pond itself is now full of rain water and the next step is to add the stones I purchased and then find some plants to add both in the water and around it. There has been a camera trap set nearby and I do check to see if anything has decided to reside there but so far nothing. It has only been a week though! I will also add wild blueberry plants and wild garlic in the forage garden. 

Just some of the logs I was placing around the new pond today. They may not stay there and I do have stones to and plants to place as well. 

The Front Garden

Not one to enjoy seeing useful items simply being thrown away, I picked up some freebies on a giveaway website (for people who have good items to give away). These were stone garden ornaments, including a small bird bath. The front garden isn't very big and half of it consists of a drive (there when we moved in). I already have a bird bath there with feeders and there's hedging plants, including roses, holly, escalonia and weigela to attract wildlife to the front garden. There's lots of house sparrows that enjoy visiting daily, along with gold finches, blue tits, dunnocks and starlings so I think it's only fair to give them more space with lots of plants and extra water. 

The other stone ornaments were two tortoises - one which could have plants growing from it. Having nipped down to my local nursery, I purchased four small alpine plants to fill the new planter. Here's how it went:

Here's the lovely planter, still needing to have plants.

A few small alpines were purchased to go in.

Here's the new (second hand) bird bath in place.

Here's the filled planter looking good!

And just because I want to share this photo, here's the other ornament.

It's great to be a part of something that doesn't involve throwing too many things away.  There's plenty of websites and apps that you can be a part of to help reuse or recycle something and it can give you the opportunity to have something nice for free. 

I'm aiming to feel much better in the next few days so I'll promise that there'll be more to see next time!


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