Sunday 12 December 2021

Jobs for December


If you think you've got a chance to escape from any further jobs in the garden then you're wrong!

There's still some things that need to get done before the January cold sets in and there's always ongoing jobs. Here's my list of the things that you need to do:

  • If you haven't already, clean your greenhouse. Then make sure that if you are using any heating, that it's working properly. 
  • Take hardwood cuttings. Perfect timing if you really haven't got anything else to do in the garden as you'll find you have plenty of time to propagate now. Take advantage of getting free plants!
  • Keep on cleaning bird feeders. Greenfinches in the UK have seen a huge drop in population over the last 15 years. Part of that is caused by a disease called finch trichomonosis, which can spread where birds frequent feeding stations. Make sure you thoroughly clean your feeders about once a fortnight. The same goes for water/bird baths.
  • Look after garden ponds. If you keep fish or have amphibians in your pond, try to prevent the surface from freezing over. Do this using a ball or placing a pan of hot water in one spot. Breaking the ice can shock anything living in your pond. 
I've been continuing with my no dig patch. It's not been easy as I'm running out of organic matter at home so I may have to resort to buying some very soon. 


There's jobs indoors with houseplants too. Popular Christmas flowering plants need care, but if you have other houseplants reduce watering them now. 

Poinsettias: These don't like the cold so make sure when you buy one it has been kept in shelter. They don't even like the cold if you are just making a trip from the shop to the car! Although many treat them as annuals and throw them away in the spring, you can keep them. Try to grow yours on and see if you can get those lovely colourful bracts to appear by giving your poinsettia a stint in darkness.

Christmas Cactus: Cacti don't need much care over winter, so be careful not to overwater. If yours hasn't got flower buds, it may be because it's been kept somewhere a little bit too warm.

Cyclamen: These need care when watering. Water from the bottom rather than on the leaves as this can cause fungal infections.

Kalanchoe: These lovely cheerful plants enjoy sunny spots. They also don't like to be overwatered.

The wonderful colours of Poinsettias. I'll keep these for next year and hopefully get some more colour varieties then too.

I've also been working on creating some colourful pots and pot holders for my home as the days get dark too early. My houseplants needed an attractive pot boost!

A couple of small attempts at getting arty. Am favouring the green and gold theme at the moment!

And finally...

I had previously sown some broad beans and I'm happy to say that they are growing on quite well. The onion and shallot sets I've also planted have done well so far too. I'll be planning to sow seeds next. In preparation for that I'll be dusting off the heated propagators and window sill trays for tomatoes, chillis and aubergines to get a head start.

Most of my broad bean seeds have germinated. Looking forward to harvesting these as they are a variety that's new to me.

Keep busy but keep warm if you're going to work outdoors.

Have a lovely Christmas x

Sunday 7 November 2021

Autumn harvests

 Autumn has crept up rather more quickly than I hoped it would and even though I've harvested lots of fruit and veg, there's still plenty to gather and plenty more jobs to do! There's tender plants to cover or move indoors, as well as all the jobs I've listed below.


There's fruit to be picked now. There's no more blackberries but I do have Chilean guava and sloes. Unfortunately, there isn't any fruit on my damson tree, so I can't make any tasty damson tarts. The Chilean guava is a hit with the family though - I like a handful with some plain yogurt in the morning. There's only three plants on my patio but they have produced a lot of fruit so I'm hoping I'll be able to propagate these three so I can double my yield next year. 

Chilean Guava - irresistible to everyone in my family!

Sloes can be picked now. We have some in the garden, and have picked enough to make about 1.5ltrs of sloe gin. This is always a Christmas treat for the family!

Sloes on the branches. The frost has touched them, which is the better time to pick them for gin.

500g picked for 1.5ltrs of gin. Yummy!

Pumpkins have been harvested too and I've made some soup out of one. They are such a versatile vegetable - I love them in a sweet or savoury pie or just roasted too. They store very well, which is an advantage as I don't ever have the time to do something with all of them in one go. I can just pop them somewhere cool and dry. 

OK, so I lost one pumpkin as my daughter wanted to carve one for Halloween, but I still have about five to serve up in various dishes.

No dig:

I'm planning to improve the soil for the veg patch next year and have been reading up on the no dig theory. To me it makes sense and I'm hoping that it will help produce a bigger yield in everything I grow. It should introduce more nutrients in the soil and make it a better texture, thus making weeds easier to pull out. I've been storing a lot of cardboard and been composting as much as possible although I find myself limited on manure at the moment. I'll be preparing the soil over the next few weeks and hopefully it'll be of a good condition by March/April time next year.

Worm, worms, worms:

The one thing that has been a great success this year is the free wormery I got locally (from someone who didn't want theirs). It's produced a lot of worm tea and currently I have twelve litres of the stuff in storage. I do check it regularly and make sure I empty it of the liquid content at least once a week. There were some modifications that it needed though - I have to add a net curtain to try and stop the worms from falling in to the bottom shelf as they would drown. The tap also needed a little filter as it got clogged quite often. Now it's a dream and I would be without it! It's become another job for me as next year I want to build more wormeries out of things I have at home.

Sowing for next year:

Well, despite all the work I've created for myself already, I've also sown some broad beans, onion and shallot sets, plus get some garlic in. This time I've purchased the following varieties:

Broad Beans Superaguadulce

Onions Electric and Radar

Shallots Jermor

Garlic Topadrome

I'll be producing a video very soon on sowing the broad beans, onions and shallots, so watch out for this! 


This time of year we all tend to tidy up out gardens. While this is something I do, I still make sure that I leave some quiet corners for wildlife. There needs to be places were insects and mammals can hibernate so there's a few hiding places right at the back of my garden, away from where I'm working to avoid disturbing anything. It's a good time to put out feed for the birds. I have quite a few species visit my garden and they have a mix of berries as well as the suet and seeds on offer from feeders. I also regularly clean and top up water for the birds and any visiting mammals (we do get mice, foxes and badgers). Mrs R, the local robin, likes to visit me for a handful of meal worms but she also accompanies me when I'm working on my no dig patch and it's always lovely seeing her.

Possibly the worst video I've ever taken of any bird. This is Mrs R helping herself to a mealworm. Blink and you'll miss her!

Keep prepping your gardens! Till next time. 

Sunday 4 July 2021

Harvesting already

It's been a funny year for weather so far - very dry early on and now quite wet, it's hardly a surprise that a lot of things haven't done very well so far or are just growing too slow. There are, despite this, lots of successes too. My flower garden is growing very well (although somewhat munched by slugs and snails) and I've managed to start harvesting. There's been lots of chores to do in the garden, which have kept me busy and I'm happy that things are moving on.

Edible wall

This year I decided to use some old pallets that I got from local builders to make a wall where my pergola once stood. Severe weather took down my neighbour's fence and did a bit of damage to our garden, the cherry tree getting the worst of it, so I wanted to upgrade that side to include an edible wall as I have a grape vine and the not so very well cherry tree. 

It was an easy construction - a bit of paint and some liner and with my husband's help to create feet so that it would stand, I planted nasturtiums, strawberries and cucamelons to create a colourful, trailing mix. 

Coming along quite nicely. I originally chose a blue paint, which I hated so immediately swapped to this cool, green, which I think fits better.

Filling out: The nasturtiums have filled out the best, with the strawberries ripening up. The cucamelons have just started to grow on a bit more but it'll be a few weeks before we see any fruit on those.


I was kept busy by harvesting rhubarb, garlic and broad beans today. My rhubarb normally does very well, but it didn't seem to like this year and I've not managed to pick much there. The broad beans were a different story - I've only just started picking them today. There's already 400g in the freezer and there's still plenty more to be picked over the next 2-3 weeks. This year the garlic has done well too. We seem to have enough for about 9 months of the year, so I should really take note and grow more as we love using garlic in our home cooking!

Garlic drying out in the sun before I tie them up and store them.

The broad beans take a long time removing from their pods but well worth it when you eat them!

Just some of the broad beans and rhubarb I harvested today.

Moving on

Now that my broad beans are coming to an end and the garlic bed is clear, I will need to find something to fill those gaps. A couple of months ago I sowed French beans and out of about 30 seeds, I only got one plant! The reason behind the poor germination is unknown but I can guess that maybe it could be because the packets I used (I tried 2 varieties) were getting old. So, I purchased 2 more varieties: Ferrari and Polka, which are dwarf French beans. Fingers crossed these will germinate this time as my family love French beans.

I've also been looking at making the garden more self sufficient in itself, examining the science behind soil, invertebrates and plant nutrition and I'll share my ideas and work in my next blog. Until then, keep enjoying you outdoor space!

Sunday 17 January 2021

Happy New Year!

 Hello and happy new year to everyone! It's still cold and dark, and set to get colder but I've made a start with sowing seeds in my polytunnel already.

Some plants benefit from being started early however, it's worth noting that you need to make sure that you're growing the right things for this time of year or that you are helping your seedlings by adding heating and lighting, or growing on your windowsill at home. If you don't you could end up with weak, leggy seedlings that won't survive for long.

The plants I've chosen to grow early this year are tomatoes, chillies, peppers and aubergines. To help them I'm using my heated propagators with the new addition of lighting this year. I've never used lighting before so this will be interesting to observe whether it'll make a difference or not. 

Not a disco but my new grow lights!

Far too many seeds! I've limited it to three of each variety to make sure I have space for everything.

Reusing old plastic - I never throw out my old plastic trays or inserts unless they're totally useless.

The very small tomato seed.

Admittedly, last year I got carried away with sowing seeds and got far too many plants so this time I'm sowing three of each variety. Last year I found myself running out of room for everything and overcrowding can lead to diseases and pests spreading easily.

Before I got started with sowing, I made sure that everything was clean. Everything was removed from the polytunnel and then I added two garlic candles. I really wasn't sure whether or not this actually helped. The poly did smell of garlic for a month or so but I also then disinfected the place, including the shelves to rid the place of any plant diseases. Last year our garden resident hedgehog actually gave birth and kept her two hoglets in my poly so I made sure that no one was hibernating in there before any form of disinfecting took place, to prevent any harm to any wildlife. 

I also washed the trays and inserts that I use - I rarely throw these away unless they are completely worn out and damaged. Where I can I use toilet rolls and other recycled equipment. 

Once everything was ready it was just a case of adding compost and a light watering. With the lighting I'm going to extend the daylight by just a couple of hours a day and see if that makes a difference.

Elsewhere in the garden I've been keeping tender plants indoors and have a geranium (pelargonium not wild geranium) that has been flowering non stop for me. It's now residing in my conservatory where walking past its bright red flowers puts a smile on my face every time!

Bright and cheerful geranium.

At Christmas I was lucky enough to get a bird box camera as a present, so I've build that in to my top bird box, where blue tits normally nest each year. Birds can start prospecting for nest sites now and the camera has already caught a blue tit peeking in a few times. My daughter is very excited by the idea of being able to watch any young birds being raised and I think that this is a great way of getting children involved in learning about nature. In order to help make things a little easier for our feathered friends, I've also made use of some old wire and have made a couple of holders for nesting material. I'll put out these out in February. Closer to the time I'll show you how I made these and what I've used to fill them.

But for now, plan your plots and start preparing. I'm hoping that this will be a better year than 2020!