Sunday 26 April 2020

Bug life in the garden

To make a change from working in the garden, I chose to sit and relax in the late afternoon. Whilst sitting in the dappled shade as the sun started to disappear behind the trees I decided to feed the birds. Making sure not to leave out the ground feeders, I put out a dish with some suet pellets and live mealworms, covering it with an old hanging basket frame. Within 30 minutes a robin came to feast on the mealworms. My favourite feral pigeon, Speckled Jim, turned up with a few friends but I did see another side to him today. As I crushed a fat ball (the feral pigeons' fave food) Jim wouldn't allow any of the others to come close to the tasty treats and was quite vocal about it too!

Aside from the birds, there are many living creatures in the garden. At night time there's a hedgehog and foxes, while the pond which had plenty of frogs now has tadpoles. However, there's much more going on and it's the smaller creatures that I thought would be worth mentioning this time.

The insect world is an old and varied one, and insects still play a vital role in the Earth's careful balance of life. Here's some that you may or may not recognise:


An easy one to spot in your garden when it's in adult form. A brightly coloured beetle, the ladybird's favourite food is the aphid, making this creature a gardener's friend. In larva stage the ladybird looks very different. It's black with some bright coloration. Like it's adult parents, the larva also eats soft bodied insects such as aphids.

Adult ladybird

Ladybird larva

Flea beetle

There's quite a few species of flea beetle in the UK and some will feed on brassicas (cabbages, turnips etc), with the adults feeding on the leaves and larva feeding on the roots. I have had flea beetle damage on my brassicas on the allotment a few years ago. The damage was easily spotted as was the flea beetle as I could see several of them. They are very small, measuring only a couple of millimetres, but they have a distinctive flea like behaviour of jumping that gives them away.

You can just about see here the larger hind legs that enable the flea beetle to jump to safety if disturbed.

My turnips with flea beetle damage. I can honestly say that I didn't get to harvest any turnips that year.

Shield bug

Like the flea beetle, there's several species in the UK and one I come across most often is the Common Green. I must admit that the shield bug isn't a true beetle and good news for gardeners - the Common Green is not harmful to plants, despite feeding on plant sap. It does, however, have a trick up its sleeve. You may have heard an alternate name for this creature - stink bug! That's because if it's disturbed the shield bug omits a pungent smell from special glands so beware when you are near them.

Despite me handling this little chap, I didn't receive a dose of the smelly secretion but I have come across it on raspberries, which was an unpleasant surprise as the smell can taint crops!


Butterflies sadly seem to be having a hard time at the moment. Some are considered pests, such as the Cabbage White, while others rely on native species of plants for food, which some gardeners regard as weeds, so it isn't easy being a butterfly. The good news for butterflies in my garden is that I love them and will always keep a patch with wild flowers for caterpillars and when I grow brassicas I always leave one or two sacrificial plants for caterpillars too. I would also suggest adding in native plants such as nettles, ivy and hawthorn to provide food for several species.

Here's looking at you! I was lucky to get  a nice close up of this Cabbage White. Note the compound eyes.

The very striking Red Admiral butterfly, one of my personal faves, on my buddleia last year. It lays its eggs on nettles, as does the Peacock and Tortoiseshell.


For an unknown reason ever since my childhood I have always loved hoverflies. They are a great sight to see for me and some species can be regarded as a gardener's friend owing to the fact that their larvae eat aphids. This time of the year you can see hoverflies hovering in areas of your garden - this their way of letting others know that this is their territory. They can be mistaken for wasps or bees because their bodies resemble them. There are some differences though to help you recognise them: bees have hairy bodies and antennae, whereas hoverflies don't have as much hair (some don't at all) and lack the antennae. There's also a difference between male and female hoverflies and it's all about the eyes. Females have smaller eyes than the males and if you are lucky enough to get a closer look you can see that the male's eyes are not only bigger but meet at the top of the head. The female's eyes are separated.  

This is a female hoverfly that was resting on one of my okra plants that I just repotted.

Here's a closer look at the female (I was so lucky she kept still long enough). Note that the eyes don't meet at the top of the head.

This one is a male by the look of it. Photographed at Kew last year.

This time of year you'll hear the unmistakable buzz of the bumblebee as they start to make more appearances. There's over 20 species of bumblebee in the UK, including those are not native (like the tree bumblebee that nested in one of our bird boxes a few years ago). They play an important part in pollinating our plants, so take care of them in your garden. They are even used in glasshouse crop production, where bumblebee nest boxes are brought from specialist companies to help with crops that need insect pollinators. 

The Garden Bumblebee on quince earlier this year.

I think this is the Common Carder Bee here in my garden. 

The Tree Bumblebee in one of our next boxes. Steve and I would enjoy an early evening glass of wine in the garden with the gentle hum of them buzzing.


Where do I begin with weevils? There are so many species of them and they are often seen as the "bad guy" in gardens, mainly due to the Vine Weevil in the UK. Leaf damage is easily seen as you'll find notches on the edges of leaves but it's what goes on underground that causes damage which gardeners hate the weevil for. The vine weevil grub will live in soil, including in pots where it will feed on plant roots in autumn and winter, causing severe wilting or even death in plants. I have never used chemical treatment on vine weevils, instead opting to empty pots in spring and removing the grubs. Having said that I haven't had much of a problem with vine weevil. The weevil is a member of the beetle family and different species eat different plants and sadly most of them are considered as pests.

I found this weevil near my polytunnel last year. I don't know what species it is.

Vine Weevil grub found in one of my pots this year.

This Vine Weevil is going through metamorphosis.

I've only just mentioned a small amount of insects here. There's so many more and if I can find more and photograph them I'll write about them. I hope you enjoyed reading about these creatures. Now I'll have to get busy with gardening again! Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. Amazing blogging Renata.
    Such interesting information to read and wonderful photography too.
    I shall take more interest of the bugs in my garden now.
