Not too long ago I treated myself to some new plants when I visited the Eden Project in Cornwall on a short holiday. The plants I brought were the Japanese Sago Palm
(Cycas revoluta), Tea (
Camellia sinensis) and the coffee plant
(Coffea arabica). Now these plants were in need of re-potting and were suffering in their tiny pots and lack of correct nutrients.
I decided to mix up some soil, combined with two different varieties: ericaceous and cactus soil. The reason behind the two is that the plants came in soil that originally looked loamy but do thrive in acidic soils. The coffee plant came as a few plants in one, which I have kept in one pot until they grow bigger and stronger (then I'll separate them).
Here's what I used:
My three 'newbies' looking a little sorry for themselves - especially the coffee with its browned leaves. |
Destination: new pots! Just a few I had kicking about at home in need of a job. |
I originally brought this compost for some cactus I'm also growing but it makes a good mixture for other plants. |
Acidic soil. |
How the mixture looked at the end. |
For each of the plants I changed the mixture until I felt it looked ok. The tea plant had a mix of ericaceous:cactus soil of 1:1, as did the coffee. With the sago palm (not really a palm but that's its common name), I added some normal potting compost to make the mixture 1:1:1, as this plant thrives in most soils.
All three are recovering well and I'll post the after pictures very soon but for now, thanks for reading!